This past weekend was filled with curling for me. I think I spent maybe 10 hours away from the Seattle Granite Curling Club. I spend so much time there, I wonder if I should change my mailing address.
Friday night, was regular league night. It is comprised of Darryl P, Jon W, my husband Jeremy D, and myself. I played an okay game, Jeremy played fairly well, and our skip kept us in the game to win.
We lucked out and ended up in the late group for the Evergreen Bonspiel. After dropping my beagle off at daycare at 8 am, everyone in the house got ready to grab breakfast at a little breakfast nook in Bothell. Biscuits with sausage gravy is always a favorite.
We got to the club in plenty of time before our noon draw to socialize, get dressed and warm up. Our mentors Ken Mabbatt and Leslie Frosch came out to watch, critique, and get some stats for us. My women's team was comprised of the skip: Gabrielle Coleman, 3rd: Beth Coffin, 2nd: Sara Skulec, and Lead : myself, Cyndy Eng-Dinsel. We not only won our first game at noon, we also won our 4 pm game and our 9 pm game.
Definitely some ego boosting with the three wins. I felt like the 2nd game was my best game, but Leslie said that my percentage was the best with the 3rd game. The criticism that has been haunting me for the last couple of weeks is my in turn is really off, and was in full force this past weekend. I did manage to work on it and felt a little better by the 4th game. However, it is definitely something in the front of my mind that needs to be worked on. We came away with 3 wins and a tie. Pretty good for our 3rd bonspiel together.
As Leslie said, Skip, 3rd and 2nd can all throw 80%, bu the Lead MUST throw 90% or better. I have lots of practice in front of me to get to 90%. Thanksgiving weekend is coming up, and the Seattle Cashspiel is in town. I am going to rest up until my Monday league game, and try to get some other kind of exercise, to let my muscles get some rest.
Jeremy played the same time I did, so I only have a couple of photos of random people playing.
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