Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Just like shooting wamp rats.

I was a substitute curler for the Tuesday curling league yesterday. I played on Mel and Joe's team We skunked the other team (which my hubby happened to be on).

I was pretty happy, because most of my shots went where I wanted them to be. Much, much better than the game from the Tuesday before. In that game, my shots were all heavy (went way past where they should have gone).

There's a guy at the curling club, who has this awesome custom sweatshirt his wife had designed for him. I want something cool like that too. I have an idea, but my drawing skills are less than ideal. I don't have any friends that are graphic designers to help me out with it. I've searched around on, but I don't like the designs enough.

I wish I had more hours in the day. I would like more sleep. I'd like time to work on my arts & crafts. I need to get started on my trades for Artfest 2008.

Work is still frustrating, due to a personality conflict. Even though I've been told to be patient, I'm not sure I can wait much longer. Kind of at the end of my rope.

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