Thursday, September 22, 2011

Oooo. Curling shoes.

My sister in law emailed me the other day, complaining about the lack of style in curling shoes. A recent search showed the same selection of shoes that have been offered for the last couple of years, and then these crazy Italian shoes offered by Asham.

You too, can be styling for $240.00

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Too many appointments!!

Today I met with Erik, a physical therapist at Copore Sano. I went in for a bike fitting, to ensure that I get the maximum energy out of my body when I bike, and to avoid injuring myself.

He put on my clips and cleats. He adjusted my seat height an additional 12 mm. He watched me pedal, and recommended that I keep my feet parallel to the ground. Without cleats, I've been pointing my toes towards the ground.

In two weeks, I will see him again, and he will be changing out my handlebars for shorter ones.

This evening I met with a sleep specialist. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks to determine if my snoring causes me to be sleepy, if I don't get enough sleep at night, or if I potentially have narcolepsy or one of the other crazy sleep issues.

Thursday, September 08, 2011


Not broken, but sure feels like it this morning.


Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Spectacular Bike Crash Today!!

I didz it. Me, trying to bike to work. FAIL.

Bruised, bloody, but apparently not broken.