Incredibly tired today. I did not sleep very well last night, waking up about 4 times, and staying awake for about a half an hour to an hour each time. I left work after a little over 3 hours, came home and took a nice long nap with Gravity, my beagle.
Before our nap, my little hunting dog went outside to chase a squirrel, and almost caught it!! I saw her make a beeline towards the squirrel, saw the squirrel leap up the corner area of the fence, to fall back down. It looked like Gravity managed to knock him down somehow. There was some quick zig zagging around, and then up and over the fence he went.
I was mildly productive after my nap. Took care of two loads of laundry, and put some crafts magazines up for sale on Craigslist. Also put my library books together, and books and magazines that I'll take to a second hand bookstore. Checked Ebay, and saw that 2 or my 3 posted items have bids on them.
On the agenda for tonight, is curling. We are taking a break from our normal Friday night team, and we will be pulling names out of a hat, and playing with other people. It should be fun. I just hope that both Jeremy and I end up with the early draw!
Tomorrow, I will be hanging out with my friend Maya, in hopes of getting some trades ready for Artfest 2008. I have put a baggie of fabric to make a couple of stuffed animals, and maybe a pendant or three. I have a couple of ideas, but the end product has to be not too time consuming to make, as I intend to make at least 50 of them. Last year, I made 50 monster stuffed animals, and they disappeared super quick!!!
As for the upcoming weekends, they are all full. Most of them filled with curling, or the occasional outing for a friend. I don't see a true break until after curling season is gone.
I've included a fun photo I found of a painted wall in Portland that I took back in October. I'd like to take up my toy photography again, and see what I can do with mixed media projects.
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